ENG1106-09 Business Communications

Technology has revolutionized the manner in which we do business. Data can be generated, stored, retrieved and disseminated at a rate and scale never before witnessed. This technological boom serves to underline the importance of communication; information, no matter how it is generated or stored, must still be absorbed and understood by humans. The ability to state clearly and concisely what you are attempting to communicate is essential, particularly in today's fast paced work place.

The ability to communicate in an effective, efficient and persuasive manner is not accidental. Much time has been spent in the study of how people perceive the messages we send and receive, not only verbally and textually, but on a non-verbal basis as well. The ability to understand the nuances of expression are the result of careful study, and the aim of this course is to allow the student to develop the skills required for efficient communication in the work place. To this end we will focus on the study of textual and nontextual communication, including, but not limited to, writing, presentations, and technologically based methodology.

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